Fairy tale Bob Jones And The Haunted Mansion

The Joker    Bob Jones 


Once upon a time there was a friendly young man named Bob Jones.

He was a friendly man but he was awake at really weird hours!

He would be up at the devil’s hour and in bed by noon.

One day Bob Jones decided to go on an adventure. He woke up early one morning and got ready to head out.

He jumped in his car and went on a wee car ride He went up and down round and round eventually he arrived at the abandoned mansion and got out of his car.

He nervously walks up the driveway,legs and arms shaking.

Up one step at a time almost missing every step.

With a shaking hand he bangs on the door Bang! Bang! Bang! he takes a step back and get ready to run.

Surprisingly the door opens but noone is at the door so he takes a step inside.

“Hello any anyone home” he tries to yell but turns out to be a whisper.

“I am home”laughs the joker as the door slams shut!


He tries to open the door but the door is locked from the outside.

Bang! Bang! Bang! 

He knocks on the door noone was there he was alone with the joker in an empty haunted house.

“Hi little boy” says the joker with a creepy voice,

“h hi” says bob really nervously.

“Would you like to die here little boy” says the joker while laughing

“N n no” Replies a scared young bob

“You better run then, I will give you 2 minutes to hide and then Bye Bye” say’s the Joker


Bob starts to sprint up the stairs while the joker counts

“3,4,5,6” The joker yells

While sprinting up the stairs Bob’s heart pounding heavily.



Suddenly a table appeared and then a chair and another, now he is blocked by the table and chairs.

Somehow he will have to find a way around the chairs or under the chairs!

He crawls under the chair, after he crawls under the table he firmly grabs the chair and runs into a room but what he didn’t know was that the room he entres is the room the previous murder occurred!


With the chair he runs into the room and slams the door shut. He puts the chair on an angle so the Joker can’t open the door.


“1:57,1:58,1’59 you better be hiding 2 minutes is up”yells the joker.

A sharp pain runs down Bobs spine.  “ARRRRGGGGHHHH” yells Bob in pain as he tries to be quiet but can’t resist.


A ouija board appears right in front of Bob, candles start to appear all around the room and somehow the ouija board works without even talking.

“Get out of the room whispers a croaky voice, this my house get out!”


There was a scrunched up piece of paper on the ground it says

If anyone reads this you will only have 20 days to live.


Stomp!Stomp!Stomp! The joker bolts up the stairs, in one room and out another room.

The joker tries tries to open the door.

“ I know you’re in there” laughs the joker.

Bob’s heart is pounding so hard with nerves that it could explode any second.

The chair moves out the way of the door and the joker runs in but trips over and face plants on the face of the rake.


It turns out it was all just a dream


Year 7’s in 2020

At the start of 2019 I was excited and a tiny bit nervous.

When I started year 7 I wanted to know everything about the school But I didn’t know anything so on the first day If you are like me you should have a wander around the school and ask a few people what where rooms are and what rooms are for what.


If you face a challenge you need to find a way through but it is too hard,  just say you have to find a way around a brick wall but you can’t try to break the wall because that is like finding a way through the problem.

If you are on the sports field and you are playing an important game just say a James Hargest and you have your head down try to keep your head up don’t show the disappointment just keep going and you have a better chance of winning.


If you make an important sports team or you are in the middle of a test suck the nerves up and get on with it because 9 times out of 10 you don’t need to worry.


To be successful at Ois you need to be confident and need to have friends that will keep encouraging you when you are sad or you fail a test that means work harder and that is how I got some successes at Ois.


At Ois we have a huge selection of new things to try but the best thing are definitely when I represented Ois at the james hargest interschool and when a couple friends and I went down to Dunedin for Otago cross country I came 21st place.



Dare to succeed 

Engage with mana

Act with respect

Learn with purpose


That is what I think you need to know when you come to Ois